Peter Clarke wrote:

>"Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>Well that works. But its a little bizzare. I have to do that to get the
>>content of a node even when that node has no children...
>>    <stuff>
>>        <morestuff>SOME TEXT GOES HERE</morestuff>
>>    </stuff>
>>So even if the current node is "morestuff" I still have to do the
>>currentnode->children etc. blah.
>>which is a bit dodgey
>Ah but the content of the node IS a child of the node. Everything inside a
>node is it's child
><p>html line 1<br/>html line 2</p>
>The children of <p> are:
>'html line 1' AND '<br/>' AND 'html line 2'

Yeah that makes sense. There aint really any way around it. But  there 
should be a way to say that a particluar node is the last in the chain.

i dunno like if the entire contents is CDATA. so.

<p><![CDATA[html line 1<br/>html line 2]]></p>

This would not have a child as content, only content. Thats how I see it anyway.

on the other hand :
<p>html line 1<br/>html line 2</p>

as you said above would have child as content, that makes sense.

Supposedly all this is quite likely to change in the future anyway..... So i guess it 
doesnt matter.

Well either way, as long as I can find documentation on how it works I'm 
happy. :)

>>Peter Clarke wrote:
>>>function getNodeContent ($node) {
>>>   $content = '';
>>>   $nodechild = $node->children();
>>>   if ( is_array( $nodechild ) ) {
>>>       reset ($nodechild);
>>>       while (list (, $val) = each ($nodechild)) {
>>>           if ( $val->type == XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
>>>            $content .= $val->content;
>>>           }
>>>       }
>>>       return $content;
>>>   }
>>>"Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>>How the hell do I get the content of a node....
>>>>before all I had to do was go $node->content
>>>>now it doesnt seem to work.
>>>>I know they changed $node->name to $node->tagname.
>>>>I tried, content, tagcontent, value, mmm some other things. I give up,
>>>>couldnt find any info anywhere either...
>>>>theres a set_content() method but doenst seem to be a get_content()
>>>>method :(.

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