
Jeff Bearer wrote:
> I want the app to query the caching layer just about the same way it
> queries the database, but add a few other details, time to live, cache
> name etc.  The caching layer will check to see if the query is cached,
> make sure it's not expired, and return the data just like a result set
> from the db query.  If it is expired, or doesn't exist then it will
> query and create the cache file for next time.
> I'm leaning toward storing the data in XML, and kicking around the idea
> of storing it on a ram disk so it would have killer fast access time.

XML? Why?

In my experience, using XML for things that need to scale is a major
mistake. If you want to serve HTML, why storing data in XML? You will
need to parse and transform it in HTML which only makes things much
worse than just storing data in nicely normalized database tables.

Manuel Lemos

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