So...I would create a new table in my postgresql database that's being used 
which would contain the timestamp.  I would populate that table when the 
savepage.php was executed, extract the data from that table and write it to 
the screen, then execute the save.  Does that sound right?


On Thursday 24 January 2002 10:07 am, Tim Ward wrote:
> I think you just need to add the timestamp to the start of the story before
> you save it,
> i.e.
> $content = date("d/m/Y H:i:s - ") . $content;
> or am I missing something?
>       Tim
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Tim Bogart [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       24 January 2002 15:01
> > To: Tim Ward; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject:    Re: phpwiki save button
> >
> > On Thursday 24 January 2002 06:36 am, Tim Ward wrote:
> > > What is it you actually want to do? Add the current date/time or a
> > > timestamp entered on the submitting form?
> >
> > yes.  That is exactly what I wish to do.
> >
> > See date() for the former. Once
> >
> > > you've got your stamp in a format you want just add it to the front of
> >
> > the
> >
> > > story before saving. Give us a bit more detail about what it is that
> >
> > isn't
> >
> > > working, or the code that you want to modify.
> >
> > The following is the savepage.php script.  It (in as much as I can
> > figure) is
> >  what is executed when one pushes or clicks on the "save" button when
> > phpwiki
> > is serving up the"editpage.html" file to a user on his or her browser,
> > and
> >
> > the individual is finished editing, and wishes to save their entry.  The
> > "save" button is at the bottom of the edit page.  What I wish to have
> > happen
> > is, to have the save button do what it does now, save the changes, but in
> > addition to that, if I had my perfect world, I would like this
> > savepage.php
> > script prefix the edited text with a date and time stamp on the left side
> > of
> > the page, appearing as a (redundancy here) prefix to the typed material.
> > That way each entry would have a date and time stamp.  I hope I am
> > describing
> > this in a fashon you can understand.  Let me give you an example.  One
> > types
> > ...
> >
> > This is a good day.
> >
> > Then the individual pushes the save button.  The save is executed, and
> > the
> >
> > user is bounced back to the preview page (the preview page part happens
> > as a
> > result simply of how the thing just works).  When the preview page is
> > displayed, the newly added text appears, but looks like this...
> >
> > 2002 01/24 09:33:45  This is a good day.
> >
> > The format of the date and time are really fluff to me, as long as it
> > appears.
> >
> > I hope my description is understandable.  I eagerly await your response.
> >
> > Tim B.
> >
> > Here's the script...
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > s_id('$Id: savepage.php,v 1.17 2001/11/14 21:05:38 dairiki Exp $');
> > require_once('lib/Template.php');
> > require_once('lib/transform.php');
> > require_once('lib/ArchiveCleaner.php');
> >
> > /* All page saving events take place here. All page info is also taken
> > care
> > of here. This is klugey. But it works. There's probably a slicker way of
> > coding it.
> > */
> >
> > // FIXME: some links so that it's easy to get back to someplace useful
> > from
> > these // error pages.
> >
> > function ConcurrentUpdates($pagename) { /* xgettext only knows about
> > c/c++
> >
> > line-continuation strings is does not know about php's dot operator. We
> > want
> > to translate this entire paragraph as one string, of course.
> > */
> > $html = "<p>"; $html .= gettext ("PhpWiki is unable to save your changes,
> > because another user edited and saved the page while you were editing the
> > page too. If saving proceeded now changes from the previous author would
> > be
> > lost.");
> > $html .= "</p>\n<p>"; $html .= gettext ("In order to recover from this
> > situation follow these steps:");
> > $html .= "\n<ol><li>"; $html .= gettext ("Use your browser's <b>Back</b>
> > button to go back to the edit page.");
> > $html .= "</li>\n<li>"; $html .= gettext ("Copy your changes to the
> > clipboard
> > or to another temporary place (e.g. text editor).");
> > $html .= "</li>\n<li>"; $html .= gettext ("<b>Reload</b> the page. You
> > should
> > now see the most current version of the page. Your changes are no longer
> > there.");
> > $html .= "</li>\n<li>"; $html .= gettext ("Make changes to the file
> > again.
> >
> > Paste your additions from the clipboard (or text editor).");
> > $html .= "</li>\n<li>"; $html .= gettext ("Press <b>Save</b> again.");
> > $html .= "</li></ol></p>\n"; $html .= QElement('p', gettext ("Sorry for
> > the
> > inconvenience."));
> >
> > echo GeneratePage('MESSAGE', $html, sprintf (gettext ("Problem while
> > updating
> > %s"), $pagename));
> > ExitWiki();
> > }
> >
> > function PageIsLocked($pagename) {
> > $html = QElement('p', gettext("This page has been locked by the
> > administrator
> > and cannot be edited."));
> > $html .= QElement('p', gettext ("Sorry for the inconvenience."));
> >
> > echo GeneratePage('MESSAGE', $html, sprintf (gettext ("Problem while
> > editing
> > %s"), $pagename));
> > ExitWiki ("");
> > }
> >
> > function NoChangesMade($pagename) { $html = QElement('p', gettext ("You
> > have
> > not made any changes.")); $html .= QElement('p', gettext ("New version
> > not
> >
> > saved."));
> > echo GeneratePage('MESSAGE', $html, sprintf(gettext("Edit aborted: %s"),
> > $pagename));
> > ExitWiki ("");
> > }
> >
> > function BadFormVars($pagename)
> > {   $html = QElement('p', gettext ("Bad form submission"));
> >     $html .= QElement('p', gettext ("Required form variables are
> > missing."));
> >     echo GeneratePage('MESSAGE', $html, sprintf(gettext("Edit aborted:
> > %s"), $pagename));
> >     ExitWiki ("");
> > }
> >
> > function savePreview($dbi, $request)
> > {   $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
> >     $version = $request->getArg('version');
> >     $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename);
> >     $selected = $page->getRevision($version);
> >
> >     // FIXME: sanity checking about posted variables // FIXME: check for
> > simultaneous edits.
> >     foreach (array('minor_edit', 'convert') as $key)
> >             $formvars[$key] = $request->getArg($key) ? 'checked' : '';
> >     foreach (array('content', 'editversion', 'summary', 'pagename',
> > 'version') as $key)
> >             @$formvars[$key] = htmlspecialchars($request->getArg($key));
> >
> >
> >     $template = new WikiTemplate('EDITPAGE');
> >     $template->setPageRevisionTokens($selected);
> >     $template->replace('FORMVARS', $formvars);
> >     $template->replace('PREVIEW_CONTENT',
> > do_transform($request->getArg('content')));
> >     echo $template->getExpansion();
> > }
> >
> > function savePage ($dbi, $request)
> > {   global $user;
> >
> >     // FIXME: fail if this check fails?
> > assert($request->get('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'POST');
> >
> >     if ($request->getArg('preview')) return savePreview($dbi, $request);
> >
> >     $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
> >     $version = $request->getArg('version');
> >
> >     $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename);
> >     $current = $page->getCurrentRevision();
> >
> >     $content = $request->getArg('content');
> >     $editversion = $request->getArg('editversion');
> >     if ( $content === false || $editversion === false )
> > BadFormVars($pagename);
> >     // noreturn
> >
> >     if ($page->get('locked') && !$user->is_admin())
> >             PageIsLocked($args->pagename); // noreturn.
> >
> >     $meta['author'] = $user->id();
> >     $meta['author_id'] = $user->authenticated_id();
> >     $meta['is_minor_edit'] = (bool) $request->getArg('minor_edit');
> >     $meta['summary'] = trim($request->getArg('summary'));
> >
> >     $content = preg_replace('/[ \t\r]+\n/', "\n", chop($content));
> >     if ($request->getArg('convert')) $content = CookSpaces($content);
> >
> >     if ($content == $current->getPackedContent())
> >     {       NoChangesMade($pagename);
> >             // noreturn
> >     }
> >
> >     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> >     // // From here on, we're actually saving.
> >     // $newrevision = $page->createRevision($editversion + 1, $content,
> > $meta, ExtractWikiPageLinks($content));
> >     if (!is_object($newrevision))
> >     {       // Save failed.
> >             ConcurrentUpdates($pagename);
> >     }
> >
> >     // Clean out archived versions of this page. $cleaner = new
> > ArchiveCleaner($GLOBALS['ExpireParams']);
> >     $cleaner->cleanPageRevisions($page);
> >     $warnings = $dbi->GenericWarnings();
> >     if (empty($warnings))
> >     {       // Do redirect to browse page.
> >             // In this case, the user will most likely not see the rest
> > of
> >             // the HTML we generate (below).
> >             $request->redirect(WikiURL($pagename, false,
> > 'absolute_url')); }
> >
> >             $html = sprintf(gettext("Thank you for editing %s."),
> > LinkExistingWikiWord($pagename));
> >             $html .= "<br>\n"; $html .= gettext ("Your careful attention
> > to detail is much appreciated.");
> >             $html .= "\n";
> >
> >             if ($warnings)
> >             {       $html .= Element('p', "<b>Warning!</b> " .
> > htmlspecialchars($warnings) . "<br>\n");
> >             }
> >
> >             global $SignatureImg;
> >             if (!empty($SignatureImg)) $html .= sprintf("<P><img
> > src=\"%s\"></P>\n", DataURL($SignatureImg));
> >
> >             $html .= "<hr noshade>\n"; $html .=
> > do_transform($newrevision->getContent());
> >             echo GeneratePage('BROWSE', $html, $pagename, $newrevision);
> >     }
> >
> >
> >     // Local Variables:
> >     // mode: php
> >     // tab-width: 8
> >     // c-basic-offset: 4
> >     // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
> >     // indent-tabs-mode: nil
> >     // End:
> > ?>
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > (also) Tim
> > > <>
> > >
> > >   ----------
> > >   From:  Tim Bogart [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >   Sent:  23 January 2002 17:47
> > >   To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >   Subject:  phpwiki save button
> > >
> > >   Hello everybody.  My name is Tim and I am new to this list.  I am
> > > not a
> > >   programmer and don't even play one on tv.
> > >
> > >   I've recently installed and have started to attempt to customize
> > > phpwiki.  I
> > >   need to modify the way the "save" button works.  I not only need it
> > > to do the
> > >   save, but I would like it to append a date and time stamp to the
> > > text being
> > >   posted to the wiki.  My first choice would that the line of text
> > > being typed
> > >   would be prefixed with the stamp rather than slapping it on the end.
> > > This I
> > >   believe would be the most ergonomically convienient for those
> > > reading that
> > >   which has been posted.
> > >
> > >   Is there anybody out there willing to give me a hand.
> > >
> > >   TIA,
> > >
> > >   Tim B.

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