
Just looking for some tips on reading formatted config files. The config 
file is pretty strictly formatted.. here's an example:

# this is a comment. any text on a line after a # should be ignored
section "section1" {
     option "value";
     option-array {
         "value 1";
         1234; # numerical value
         anothervalue; # text without quotes
     option-array-on-one-line { value1; "value 2"; 46; };

That's kind of a worst-case scenario. Most sections will only have 1-2 
options, and not contain subsections, etc.. but some do contain it, so 
is why I constructed this. I'm not looking for actual code, exactly.. 
more or less tips on where to start. Should I come up with a magical 
regexp that can sift through the data, or some kind of recursive 
function that reads values and returns arrays with the values..

Values are always terminated by a ; character, unless of course that ; 
character lies within quotes. Pretty standard stuff, but it's my first 
attempt at parsing something this complex.

Any kind of help on this is appreciated.

Most burning issues generate far more heat than light.

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