PHP does not support having multiple methods with the same name.  Write a
single method and check the number of args in that.


On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Marc Swanson wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is a known feature in php.. but the following code will
> generate this warning:  Warning: Missing argument 2 for foo() in
> /raid/htdocs/test.php on line 7
> -----------------
> <?
> class Foo {
>         function Foo($bar) {
>                 // no argument constructor
>                 echo    "One argument Constructor.\n<br>\n";
>         }
>         function Foo($bar,$baz) {
>                 // one argument constructor
>                 echo    "Two argument constructor.\n<br>\n";
>         }
> }
> $foo = new Foo("foobared constructor");
> ?>
> ---------------------
> while simply swapping the functions around removes the warning
> ---------------------
> <?
> class Foo {
>         function Foo($bar,$baz) {
>                 // one argument constructor
>                 echo    "Two argument constructor.\n<br>\n";
>         }
>         function Foo($bar) {
>                 // no argument constructor
>                 echo    "One argument Constructor.\n<br>\n";
>         }
> }
> $foo = new Foo("foobared constructor");
> ?>
> ----------------------
> This is running on php version 4.0.3pl1
> Is it supposed to be this way for some reason or is this a bug?  I believe I
> found that it happens with all functions within a class (not just
> constructors).
> Thanks
> --
> -------------------------
> Marc Swanson
> MSwanson Consulting
> Phone:  (603)868-1721
> Fax:    (603)868-1730
> Mobile: (603)512-1267
> -------------------------
> --
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