Pardon Me Sir...I do not blurt.  I simple asked a question.  It was up to
you to be nice or be a total a** and you choose the latter.

P. Westover

"Nick Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hash: SHA1
> * and then P. Westover blurted....
> > I'm looking for someone who has some extra time, who will answer my
> > questions and guide me in the right direction with a project I'd like to
> > create.  I would like to work with one person, because everyone has
> > own way of doing things.  I would like to avoid the "too many cooks"
> > syndrome.
> That's a little unrealistic don't you think? The best way to learn php
> is to experiment, when it goes wrong consult the manual, and if you
> still don't get it come here.
> > I have been studying the 6 books I bought, but I feel I'm missing
> That's a lot of books, the only thing you should be missing is a whole
> heap of cash.
> > Please...only respond if you can follow through.  I'll give the details
> > the responders and then you decide if you want to take me on or not.
> As a list member I'm always happy to lend a hand in those area's I'm
> knowlegeable in. That's the beuty of it. It doesn't matter how good you
> are there will always be areas that you are weak in, but on a list like
> this you'll always find someone strong in the area you need help with.
> - --
> Nick Wilson
> Tel: +45 3325 0688
> Fax: +45 3325 0677
> Web:
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE8UQ5NHpvrrTa6L5oRAuODAJ97RvOauV09phHjIYeLZL36Xl4aTQCdGUT+
> SLaj5D3RTbcElFmp996bzoY=
> =Tb4z

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