Are you referring to PHP sockets or C sockets?  PHP sockets are an
implementation of C sockets (which is why most of the actiones needed are
the same in PHP but are somewhat simplified).

If you mean PHP sockets, you can try taking a look at WhoisPro, a
Whois/NICNAME script I wrote to understand how to implement sockets in PHP.
If you mean C sockets, well, I'm currently learning them myself.  Let me
know which you need and I can try to get you some resources for them.

Mike Frazer

"Kunal Jhunjhunwala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hey..
> does anyone know of any good resources for using sockets? which will also
> explain using sockets to connect to various protocols? like ftp, httpd,
> mysql etc? Also, somewhere one can read on writing a connection deamon...
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Kunal Jhunjhunwala

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