A quick note...

If you are not aware of cURL (curl.haxx.se), then you may want to look into it.

If you are, then please disregard this post.

-Jason Garber

At 11:06 PM 2/3/2002 -0800, Evan Nemerson wrote:
>Anyone know if there is a way yet to see if a socket is still connected to a
>host? I want to use a socket to send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" over a socket,
>and retrieve everything the server sends. That part works great, but I can't
>figure out when the remote host disconnects.
>I have the CVS version of php.
>Here is the function so far. The problem is at the end.
>function getdata ($host, $port, $data)
>         /* well, the below comment would be true if i could get it 
> working! */
>         /* This function sends $data to $host:$port, then returns the 
> response
>         * until connection is severed. Great for HTTP, but won't usually work
>         * too well in protocols where data needs to be analyzed, and replied
>         * to appropriatly, such as POP v3 */
>         // Create a socket
>         $so = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("TCP"));
>         if ( !$so )
>         {
>                 exit("Could not create socket.\n");
>         }
>         // Connect...
>         $ec = socket_connect ($so, $host, $port);
>         if ( $ec < 0 )
>         {
>                 exit ("ERROR $ec: ".socket_strerror($ec));
>         }
>         /* Write $data to socket. The manual doesn't say what it returns, 
> but I'll
>         * assume (even though it makes an ass out of you and me) that it 
> is the same
>         * as socket_connect() because it wouldn't be logical to return a
>descriptor. */
>         $ec = socket_write ( $so, $data, ( strlen($data) ));
>         if ( $ec < 0 )
>         {
>                 exit ("ERROR $ec: ".socket_strerror($ec));
>         }
>         else
>         {
>                 /* PROBLEM IS HERE- what do I put instead of while ( $x 
> == 0 )??? */
>                 $x = 0;
>                 while ( $x == 0 )
>                 {
>                         $buffer = socket_read ( $so, 1, PHP_BINARY_READ);
>                         $string .= $buffer;
>                 }
>         }
>         // And (hopefully) return $string, for your viewing pleasure.
>         return $string;
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