Thanks Joel.  I thought Sandeep meant I should create object A within object
B in order to refer to the method in object A, but I guess that won't work.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel Boonstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sandeep Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] How to call method from another class

> > first create an instance of class B like this...
> >
> > $test = new classB();
> >
> > Now, u can refer to any function or method of classB like this:
> >
> > $test->hello(); // where hello() is a method of classB..
> That's not what the original question was, though.  David (I think, unless
> I got my nested replies wrong), was looking to call a method of ClassA
> with an object of ClassB:
> > > If I have a PHP class (let's say it's called ClassA), how do I call a
> > > method from another class (ClassB) within ClassA?  Thanks.
> The answer to this question, unless my OOP theory is gone, is that you
> can't, unless ClassB is an extension of classA.
> So if you have:
> class ClassA {
>   // some vars
>   function get_contents() {
>     // some stuff
>     return $something;
>   }
> }
> and then:
> class ClassB extends ClassA {
>   // some vars
>   function display_contents() {
>     print $this->get_contents();
>   }
> }
> Then you're good.  Otherwise, I don't think it's possible...
> --
> [ joel boonstra | [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

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