I would let mysql do the work:
select *,date_format(dateofevent,"%H:%i %p") as date_formatted from

- Mark

On Thu, 07 Feb 2002 11:21:13 -0600, Frank Miller wrote:
>         Since I'm the only one who uses php at work I run
>into a
>little problem and was hoping maybe someone could help me. I've set
>up a
>Mysql database that has an event time. I've set the field in the
>as:   eventtime  time DEFAULT 00:00:00.
>When I go to print the eventtime I'm pulling it out of Mysql with
>following code snippet
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
>      $dateofevent = $row["dateofevent"];
>      $sponsor = $row["sponsor"];
>      $location = $row["location"];
>      $eventtime = $row["eventtime"];
>      $contact = $row["contact"];
>All of this works. I connect to Mysql and pull out the data.
>Then I'm formatting $eventtime with $etime = date("g:i a",
>The problem is that when I print $etime in an html table all I get
>is 6:00
>pm  for all the events. When I print $eventtime I get the correct
>time that
>is stored in Mysql.  My question is am I doing this correctly or do
>I need
>to use another function to format a mysql time.
>Thanks in advance.
>Frank Miller
>Computer Specialist and Webmaster
>Technology and Distance Education
>Texas A&M University-Texarkana
>2600 North Robison Rd
>Texarkana, Texas 75501
>Phone:  903-223-3156
>Fax:      903-223-3139
>Office:   165

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