Surprising as it may come, you should look for something like "satellite 
images" on Google - you'll find zillions of links to top-level weather 
info providers. Then you should check which are free, copy their names 
and search for "free web weather service <name>" - you'll probably end 
up with a solid list of free services - you see, the ones that are free 
for you must rely on some free service above, so there.



Shannon Doyle wrote:

>Hi People,
>I have been looking around the web lately and have noted a number of
>sites are running what appears to be php scripts that parse their local
>weather information and display it on their wesite.
>Well, I want to do the same, however I have been searching and found
>nothing that does what I want it to do. The only ones that I can find
>are either the output style of (ie all or nothing) or use
>their own graphics etc to display the data.
>All I want to be able to do is give the current conditions (ie partly
>cloudy) and the current temperature. I haven't decided if I then want to
>use this info to create an image or if I will display it as straight
>I was wondering if anyone on this list has ever used such a script and
>if their outputs were similar to what I want, and of course possibly if
>I could source that script for my own use?
>Any help would be appreciated.

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