Yeeesch! I neet help.

I need a method to flush out lists of authors in a MySQL field called

The field looks a bit like this:

&&1; Caribbean and West Indies; Guyana;&&4; Birney,(i) Earle; Harris,(i)
Wilson; Hope,(i) Alec Derwent; King,(i) Bruce; James,(i) Henry;
Olson,(i) Charles; Rushdie,(i) Salman; Purdy,(i) Al; Joyce,(i) James;
Macleish,(i) Archibald; Cummings,(i) Edward Estlin (E.E.); Auden,(i) W.
H.; Atwood,(i) Margaret; Tutuola,(i) Amos; Simon,(i) Claude;&&7;
comparison of authors and works;

In the section that starts with &&4
I need to look for (i) search backward to the prewious ; and search
forward to the next ; and extract into an array the contents between the
semi-colons to arrive at something that looks like:

Birney, Earle
Harris, Wilson
Hope, Alec Derwent
King, Bruce
James, Henry
Olson, Charles
Rushdie, Salman
Purdy, Al
Joyce, James
Macleish, Archibald
Cummings, Edward Estlin (E.E.)
Auden, W. H.
Atwood, Margaret
Tutuola, Amos
Simon, Claude

Can someone please help me get started?


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