I've done it :-)

  But be careful. There are dozens of way to implement this. My way is
simple, but makes use of too many sql queries I believe. Could have stored
everything in one line and grab it at user's login, but anyway.... My
current way seems more logical to follow and update.

  I have created these 'groups of power', where you can add/remove users.
Since an user can be part of more than one group, I store in a session array
these groups ids.

  In a page where it's necessary to verify if the user (actually, the groups
he's attached to) can perform certain actions, there's a little check like

$var = '';
foreach ($_SESSION['user']['group_ids'] as $value) {
    $var .= "OR group_id = '$value' ";

  And a Mysql query:

// 'groups' is a table with a collumn for every section of the site.
$sql = "SELECT section_power FROM groups WHERE id = 0 " . $var . "AND active
= 1";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while (list($section_power) = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
    // using parse_str() since the data is stored om Mysql as:
    // r=1&w=1&d=0&m=0
    // More on discover_power() below

function discover_powers($r, $w, $d, $m) {
   // If there's no current power defined:
    if (!isset($_SESSION['user']['powers']['section']['w'])) {
        // User's power the same as the var;
        $_SESSION['user']['powers']['section']['w'] = $w;
    } else {
        // Else, in the while loop above, he's assigned to one group with
power = 0
       // and another one with power = 1, let the user get 1
        if ($w > $_SESSION['user']['powers']['section']['w']) {
            $_SESSION['user']['powers']['section']['w'] = $w;

  Well, pretty much is like this. I am close to redesign the whole thing
because of the many SQL queries, the while loop calling two functions for
every group the user is attached, and because it's plain a 'not-elegant'

  Feel free to steal any ideas :-D


Julio Nobrega.

Um dia eu chego lá:

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