Sorry, I may not haven been clear.

What should I do to include from a safe area (/myuser/safe) when I have 
open_basedir set to other path (/myuser/public_html) ?

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

>open_basedir doesn't take a list of paths.
>On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Renato Lins wrote:
>>Some one can help me. Why this is not working ?
>># apache conf
>><Directory /myuser/public_html/>
>> php_admin_flag safe_mode on
>> php_admin_value safe_mode_include_dir "/myuser/safe/"
>> php_admin_value doc_root "/myuser/public_html/"
>> php_admin_value open_basedir "/myuser/public_html/:/tmp/"
>>#cat /myuser/public_html/x2.php
>>echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion()."<BR>";
>>echo "I am in x2<br>"
>>#cat /myuser/safe/x4.php
>>echo "I am in X4<br>"
>>#browser result
>>Current PHP version: 4.2.0-dev
>>*Warning*: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong
>>directory in */myuser/public_html/x1.php* on line 2
>>*Fatal error*: Failed opening required '/myuser/safe/x4.php'
>>(include_path='') in */home/rlins/public_html/x1.php* on line 2

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