Hi Phil,

    here's an answer to your first question. You can use colorchanging links
when put formatting code like this one:

a:link { font-family:Arial Narrow, helvetica; font-variant:small-caps;
color:black; text-decoration:none; font-size:13pt; }
a:hover { font-family:Arial Narrow, helvetica; font-variant:small-caps;
color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-size:13pt;
background:darkgray; }
a:visited { font-family:Arial Narrow, helvetica; font-variant:small-caps;
color:black; text-decoration:none; font-size:13pt; }

into a css-file.

I'm sorry, but i don't know an answer for your second question. But like I
remember this must be possible with CSS too. But I don't know exactly how.

Hope this helps

Marcel Besancon

registered Fli4l-User #00000388
"Phil Schwarzmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I know I shouldn't be asking these questions on this mailing list but
> you guys are ALWAYS EXTREMELY helpful...
> 1) I want a a text link to change color when the mouse is hovering over
> top of it.  How do I do this?  Im sure it's some CSS thingy.
> 2) Is it possible to make a "text field" smaller when using forms.
> Let's say I'm using font size 1, I want the text field to be just as
> small as the rest of text.
> Thanks again!!!!

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