
I was sourgeforge.net looking at the PHP stuff, I saw something call phpfx,
but it not clear what it is or what it does. Has anyone mess with it?

Also I am looking for a php program that was written so that you can do a
BBS, I wanted to use Ultimate Bulletin Board, but they no longer support the
freeware verision, you have to pay almost $500 for it. The verision I have
the date is not Y2K, so the dates come out 19100. So I need to replace the
BBS, it was written with perl and I like to have something well you guys

One last question for now. Is there a site that explain how to do list in
php with colors, I want to add color to my lists, when I do thinks now there
are so boring, with just white.

Thanks a head of time...By the way

 | Chuck Payne              |
 | Magi Design and Support  |
 | www.magidesign.com       |

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