If you don't give any code, I doubt anyone will be able to help. The error msgs to say 
the least.

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Laurie Landry wrote:

> Hi,
> In this example: I'm trying to introduce the selection data from another
> table in the database into this form.  The form is a simple form where
> if missing any data, you're redirected back to the page to form but with
> data filled in some areas that you had filled in before.
> Now, instead of manually inputting the selection fields for subjects and
> countries which will continually be updated, I've included a database
> where in another form, if there's a new subject to be added to the
> database, the user will go to a different form and fill in the new
> subject. That works.
> Now, I'm trying to call in those data and put it into the selection
> option blocks - it doesn't' work, and I don't know why? I've created a
> test page that calls in those option blocks on its own, and it works,
> and the form with the manually-inputted subject titles or country titles
> works on its own as well. Somehow the two doesn't mix well, and I'd
> appreciate help in this matter.
> Thanks in advance,
> Laurie M. Landry
> http://www.lmlweb.com
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