I am using RPM 4.0.2 on the YellowDog 2.1 Distro.

rpm -b php.spec yields the following:

        [root@cpdev1 SPECS]# rpm -b php.spec
        -b: unknown option

Is there something wrong with my version of RPM?  When I type, rpm -ba
php.spec, I get nothing but the following:

************ output ************

[root@cpdev1 SPECS]# rpm -ba php.spec
RPM version 4.0.2
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 - Red Hat, Inc.
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

Usage: rpm {--help}
       rpm {--version}
       rpm {--initdb}   [--dbpath <dir>]
       rpm {--install -i} [-v] [--hash -h] [--percent] [--force]
                        [--replacepkgs] [--replacefiles] [--root <dir>]
                        [--excludedocs] [--includedocs] [--noscripts]
                        [--rcfile <file>] [--ignorearch] [--dbpath
                        [--prefix <dir>] [--ignoreos] [--nodeps]
                        [--ftpproxy <host>] [--ftpport <port>]
                        [--httpproxy <host>] [--httpport <port>]
                        [--justdb] [--noorder] [--relocate
                        [--badreloc] [--notriggers] [--excludepath
                        [--ignoresize] file1.rpm ... fileN.rpm
       rpm {--upgrade -U} [-v] [--hash -h] [--percent] [--force]
                        [--oldpackage] [--root <dir>] [--noscripts]
                        [--excludedocs] [--includedocs] [--rcfile
                        [--ignorearch]  [--dbpath <dir>] [--prefix
                        [--ftpproxy <host>] [--ftpport <port>]
                        [--httpproxy <host>] [--httpport <port>]
                        [--ignoreos] [--nodeps] [--allfiles] [--justdb]
                        [--noorder] [--relocate oldpath=newpath]
                        [--badreloc] [--excludepath <path>]
                        file1.rpm ... fileN.rpm
       rpm {--query -q} [-afpg] [-i] [-l] [-s] [-d] [-c] [-v] [-R]
                        [--scripts] [--root <dir>] [--rcfile <file>]
                        [--whatprovides] [--whatrequires] [--requires]
                        [--ftpproxy <host>] [--ftpport <port>]
                        [--httpproxy <host>] [--httpport <port>]
                        [--provides] [--triggers] [--dump]
                        [--changelog] [--dbpath <dir>] [targets]
       rpm {--verify -V -y} [-afpg] [--root <dir>] [--rcfile <file>]
                        [--dbpath <dir>] [--nodeps] [--nofiles]
                        [--nomd5] [targets]
       rpm {--setperms} [-afpg] [target]
       rpm {--setugids} [-afpg] [target]
       rpm {--freshen -F} file1.rpm ... fileN.rpm
       rpm {--erase -e} [--root <dir>] [--noscripts] [--rcfile <file>]
                        [--dbpath <dir>] [--nodeps] [--allmatches]
                        [--justdb] [--notriggers] package1 ... packageN
       rpm {--resign} [--rcfile <file>] package1 package2 ... packageN
       rpm {--addsign} [--rcfile <file>] package1 package2 ... packageN
       rpm {--checksig -K} [--nopgp] [--nogpg] [--nomd5] [--rcfile
                           package1 ... packageN
       rpm {--rebuilddb} [--rcfile <file>] [--dbpath <dir>]
       rpm {--querytags}

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