I wasn't so much concearned about security of users grabbin pics. I am
more trying to learn how these people load there menus dynamically and
pics dynamically. Do you have any links to pages or code that describe how
to make a link in the db to pics on my filesystem?

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 26.03.2002  12:47, you wrote:
> >
> >I don't have any code for this, but I'm hoping someone can point me in the
> >right direction. I want to load images or navigation menus dynamically. Is
> >it possible to build a database of images and then use php to display
> >them? Or something along these lines. I know this must be possible,
> >becuase I see sites that do something like this, and I cant seem to right
> >click the image and save it. Does this make any sense?
> >Thanks.
> >-Chris
> Storing images in a db is not a good idea. instead store them
> in your filesystem an have a reference to them in your db.
> Then you can make everything ;-)
> Even there´s no real security for grabbing pics. If your client can see them,
> they are on his/her machine. To prevent the right-click, you have to use
> JavaScript, but that only works, if the user has it switched on.
> A little more secure is putting the pics in flash-movies. But I think there are
> already programs out, which allow to extract pictures and componenets.
> HTH Oliver
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