exif_imagetype() is new function only available in PHP 4.2 (not released
yet) and above.  Use GetImageSize() for now.


On Sat, 30 Mar 2002, Dale & Lora Marshall wrote:

> Ok, I've been looking at the image functions, and found that I needed
> to recompile PHP with exif support and load GD and other functions.
> I've done all of that and now I get the following:
> Source: /home/jamboimages/images/uploads/alamoarea_97_round_sm.jpg
> 600 : /images/patches/1997/1997R15.jpg
> 300 : /images/patches/1997/1997R15_sm.jpg
> Width = 600
> Height = 580
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: exif_imagetype() in
> /home/jamboimages/admin/review_patches.php on line 69
> The partial code in my webpage is (code borrowed from the PHP site, and
> modified).
> Any help is appreciated.  If you want to see the phpinfo, go to:
> http://dreamer.propagation.net/phpinfo.php
> Here's the code...
> /* resize_to_file resizes a picture and writes it to the harddisk
>   *
>   * $sourcefile = the filename of the picture that is going to be resized
>   * $six_file   = File name of the 600-pixel-wide file
>   * $three_file = File name of the 300-pixel wide file
>   */
> function resize_to_file ($sourcefile, $six_file, $three_file) {
> print "Source: $sourcefile<BR>";
> print "600 : $six_file<BR>";
> print "300 : $three_file<BR>";
>     $picsize = getimagesize("$sourcefile");
>     $width  = $picsize[0];
>     $height = $picsize[1];
> print "Width = $width<BR>";
> print "Height = $height<BR>";
>     $image_type = exif_imagetype("$sourcefile");
> print "Image: $image_type<BR>";
>     ... more code here to resize the image file ...
>     ... and write it to a new location on disk  ...
> }
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Dale & Lora Marshall                    Internet Marketing Services
> http://lonestar.texas.net/~marshal1     http://www.internet-ms.com
>                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> --
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