For the record <br/> (which would be the 'normal' xhtml style) is
unrecognized (and therefor ignored) by Netscape 4.x.  However, it recognizes
and properly handles <br />, which I'm sure is why it is output in that
format.  If anybody has seen <br/> misbehave, try going back and testing
with <br />.

        - Theo

-----Original Message-----
From: Miguel Cruz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 1:57 AM
To: Justin French
Cc: php
Subject: Re: [PHP] nl2br returns <BR />? normality or a bug?

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Justin French wrote:
> on 06/04/02 11:05 AM, Maxim Maletsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> It DOES NOT work fine in every browser. I'd love to give you a prov, but
>> because I am lazy I will just tell you this formula:
> Again.  I was only stating MY experience.  "Every browser I can get my
> on".  I do extensive testing, and have never seen a <BR> or <BR/> or <BR
> misbehave.
> If you have seen it perform unexpectedly, I'm keen to hear about.

For what it's worth, I just tried on the following browsers (all I have at
my disposal at home) and it works fine:

links 0.96
lynx 2.8.3
Opera 5.0.498 (Mac)
IE 5.1.3 (Mac)
Mozilla 0.9.9 (Mac)
Netscape 6.1 (Mac)


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