So I just got PHP 4.2.0 RC2 and Apache 2.0.35 almost completely working.
The only problem I am having now, is Apache's DirectoryIndex option.
Whenever I add index.php to that (like I would do in Apache 1.3), I get a
403 error every time I visit my site.  When I look in my errorlog I see

[Sun Apr 07 00:51:34 2002] [error] [client] Directory index
forbidden by rule: /home/apache2/htdocs/site1/index.php

AFAIK this should work, I've set this up a billion times in Apache 1.3.
Here is my DirectoryIndex line:

DirectoryIndex index.php index.phtml index.html index.html.var

I realize this isn't really a programming question, so it may be a little
off-topic, but if anybody could help me, I'm sure you guys could.
Thanks a lot.


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