On Thursday 11 April 2002 14:30, Andrew Schoenherr wrote:


> Problem
> I have just started using classes, downloaded from www.thewebmasters.net
> web site. I am working on user authentication and I am getting a
> parse error when the page loads. Only since I started using the
> class has this parse error occurred, but I am not sure if it the
> class that is causing the problem or not. I have included sections that
> I feel are relevant from my httpd.conf, php.ini and locations and
> contents of my .htpasswd files.


Whilst it is commendable in providing detailed information about a setup when 
posting a question, it is best to restrict this to OS version, PHP version & 
webserver version.

You seemed to left out the MOST important piece of info which is what line 
the parse error occurs at. Post an extract of your code, just the 5-10 lines 
leading up to and including the line on which the error occurs. Also don't 
just say the error occurs at line 15, *indicate* which is line 15.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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