> I've read the manual on "Session handling functions", but I must have a
> block on this concept . What should I do now that I want to use
> $HTTP_SESSION_VARS or $_SESSION ? How do I implement it on secondary

> Will I be facing a major re-write of all my code? [Gulp :>]

1. You must use session_start() on every page with sessions because
session_register() won't work with the associative arrays.
2. Every reference to session_register must come out  and replaced with the
code to set the session var $_SESSION[].  These two actions are probably at
different places in the script, so remove the reference to session_start,
and at:
3. Every reference in every script to a global session var will need to be
replaced with a reference to $_SESSION['rcity'];
4. You'll also need to change any references to session session_unregister
to unset($_SESSION['rcity']).

Read the notes in the manual, as you can't mix the use of $_SESSION and
session_register(), session_unset(), etc.  If you use the arrays, everything
must be done with the arrays.

I'd suspect the reference to undefined function is caused by a typo and
placing a $ in front of a function name such as $session_start().

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