On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 02:41:53AM -0600, jas wrote:
> I need to know if there is one place to get information on creating a credit
> card validation script based on the users selected payment type (i.e.
> mastercard, visa, american express, etc.)

I've got the best one out there.  Automatically determines the card type
from the card number.  Accurately checks cards from American Express,
Australian BankCard, Carte Blache, Diners Club, Discover/Novus, JCB,
MasterCard and Visa.


That's the PHP version.  It also comes in Perl and Visual Basic flavors.

               PHP classes that make web design easier
        SQL Solution  |   Layout Solution   |  Form Solution
    sqlsolution.info  | layoutsolution.info |  formsolution.info
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 4015 7 Av #4AJ, Brooklyn NY     v: 718-854-0335     f: 718-854-0409

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