On Friday 19 April 2002 08:13 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Andre Dubuc wrote:
> > Whenever I try:
> >
> > print("$_SESSION['sfname']);  or  print("$_POST['scity']
> >
> > I get a parse error "expecting 'T_STRING' . . ." -- obviously there's
> > nothing in the array or I haven't set it.
> You just have a simple syntax error.
> You can use any of the following:
>    print $_SESSION['sfname'];
>    print "{$_SESSION['sfname']}";
>    print "${_SESSION['sfname']}";
> But you can't put a bare array dereference inside a quoted string like you
> tried above. You need to surround it with {curly braces} or take it
> outside the quoted string.
> miguel

Hi Miguel,

I tried all three -- none work.  I question whether register_globals is truly 
"off" since, earlier when I changed php.ini it dumped my Postgresql and left 
the phpinfo() unchanged. This time it reported the change, and Postgresql is 

Is there a way I can verify that (a) globals are off and (b) $_SESSION or 
$_POST are on? This probably what's happening -- I can't access the arrays at 
all -- so, I think that might be where the problem lies. The $vars still work 
though throughout all scripts.

Any ideas?


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