>Just a hunch: do you get the same permissions output for the dotfiles as
>the normal ones?

Thanks for the idea. I am not sure what you mean by "permissions output" 
but it is same owner and an "ls -la" gives

-rwxr-xr-x   1 frank  wheel   27 Apr 29 23:05 .mydotfile.php
-rwxr-xr-x   1 frank  wheel    0 Apr 29 23:08 myfile.php

- - -

I BTW forgot to tell that I am on PHP 4.1.1

BTW - if I introduce syntax errors in .mydotfile they are ignored - it is 
like PHP does not read the content at all. But take away the leading dot 
and it is all as expected.



>* and then Frank declared....
> > .mydotfile.php:
> > <?php
> > echo "I am here!";
> > ?>
> >
> > myfile.php:
> > <?php
> > require '.mydotfile.php';
> > ?>
> >
> >
> > When I run myfile.php there is no output!
>Just a hunch: do you get the same permissions output for the dotfiles as
>the normal ones?
>- --
>Nick Wilson     //  www.explodingnet.com

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