R wrote:
> Hey all,
> This email is not for any questions/suggestions etc but a thank you note.
> Some time back i posted an email asking if anyone had any recomendation for
> a BBS system and I got a lot of replies.
> I thank each and every one of you who wrote in,
> after checking out the links or software names you gave me I have decided to
> use PHPBB2
> Will post a link to my site where this is installed after a week or so, tell
> me what you think.
> If you have any comments on why PHPbb2 is BAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD for me lemme
> know.
> Cheers all & god bless.
> -Ryan.

To bring balance in the force, there is www.phpbb2.org.  It has a few 
arguments of why it is BAAAAAAADDDDDDD... I know i will never use phpbb2

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