----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Cummings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Glenn Sieb wrote:
> >                                       $cname =
> > ? $line[0] : "&nbsp;");
> >                                       print ("<TR
> >
> >                                       $previous = $line[0];
> >                               }
> >          print ("</TABLE>");
> >
> > This not only takes care of the table row colors, but also removes
> > duplicate company names so it looks MUCH neater this way :))))
> YIKES! I thought there was a SQL keyword for returning a unique
> rowset.

Read the code again, that's what I first thought, too. He's just not
printing multiple values for the first table cell. So if the current row has
the same company name, just print a blank cell, then print the rest of the
data for that row.

---John Holmes...

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