On Friday 17 May 2002 14:30, Triax wrote:
> Hello,
>     currently I want to implement a multiple upload using a listbox.
>     I have 2 link which will dynamically add or remove a file to/from the
> list box,

> ---------------------------------------------------------
>     Upon sbumitting, my php script can only read the local drive directory
> instead of the
>     temporary directory on the server.
>     When I did a copy function, it tell me that it cant copy as the source
> file does not exist.
>     Below is part of my php script.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>   if(!isset($WINDIR)) $filename = str_replace("\\\\", "\\",
> $lstUpload[$i]); .....
>    if(!copy($filename,
> "/home/fotohub/public_html/memPhotos/$usrID/$img_name") ){
>     echo "Failed to copy"; exit();
>    }

How are you getting the filename(s) (both temp and actual) of the uploaded 
file(s)? Did you not read/follow the example in the manual?

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
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* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

Immanuel Kant but Kubla Khan.

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