Jason Soza wrote:
> Just wondering what would cause the following:
> I have a 512/128 cable connection through my ISP that I'm hosting my
> sites through. I have a 10gb/mo transfer limit (u/l and d/l) so when I
> saw mention of the ob_gzhandler (and mod_gzip for Apache), that kind of
> got me interested in it.
> Anyway, I created a test page, put -just- <?php ob_start(); ?> at the
> top, then some lines of HTML, and loaded it. I got all the HTML code
> displayed - shouldn't I have gotten a white screen since I had no <?php
> ob_flush(); ?> tag at the bottom? This isn't making sense. Then I tried
> <?php ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); ?> and <?php ob_flush(); ?> at the
> bottom - same results.
> Am I doing something wrong? Shouldn't the ob_start() by itself just
> load all output into a buffer and not display it until I call ob_flush
> ()? And how would I know if ob_gzhandler works? I'm running PHP and
> Apache on Windoze, PHP is version 4.2.0 I think, Apache is
> 1.3.something.

If you don't manually flush a buffer I believe it auto flushes
when the preprocessor completes.

| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
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