Hi everyone,

 since I'm developing a PHP-based forum, and still improving it, I was
 wondering about some issue. I'm having registered users, and keep their
 in a dbase. When they log in, data is retrieved from the database.

 Now some slight "problem" comes up. I'm working on an account on a server
 with various websites on it, and a MySQL-server which is also used by many
 site with this hosting company. Since we already had some troubles with
 company, and we were obliged to reprogram many features to make sure the
 server wouldn't flip anymore. First they complained about CPU-usage,
 afterwards, it was MySQL-connections (since I make many)...

 I'm not asking you guys to tell me to turn over to a dedicated server,
 because within a few months, this will probably happen. But this situation
 brought up a question to my mind, and I can 't find the answer in the
 manuals or sites that I know...

 Finally, the question :-) : Which would result in a higher server-load
 (assume everything is running on one machine):  user-validation through
 sessions or by checking the SID in a MySQL-dbase?

 Thx for all advice you guys can give...


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