Can PHP do that? Of course. Can it do it that easily right out of the
box. No. Just like the RXML backend is already written that parses
<accessed per="day" /> into the appropriate number, the backend would
have to be written for PHP to do the same thing. You'd have to write a
template engine, basically, that'll look for special tags and do the
appropriate PHP functions when it encounters them.

I think you'd be far better off learning PHP and just adapting an
existing template engine to suit your needs. There are plenty of them
out there. 

---John Holmes...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 4:36 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Is this doable?
> I am currently using Roxen and it's built-in pike-based markup
> RXML for my dynamic websites. PHP is naturally alot more flexible than
> RXML, but there are some thing I -really- like about Roxen that I
> know if I can have PHP replicate, please tell me if anything of the
> following is doable (and preferably how):
> Tags.
> I -really- like the fact that RXML comes with XML-like tags for it's
> built-in features, like the tag "<accessed />", where I can do stuff
> <accessed per="day" /> visitors per day.
> This is naturally just an example, but the thing I like is how I don't
> need
> to escape from HTML syntax and into a programming language unless it's
> neccesary for the built-in function.
> My own tags.
> In RXML, I can define my own tags, like this:
> <define tag="line">
>   <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
>      <tr>
>        <td bgcolor="#000000"><img src="space.gif" width="1" height="1"
>      </tr>
>   </table>
> </define>
> This way, everytime I use "<line />" in the page, it will exapnd to
> above, which very well could contain other RXML commands like SQL
> connectivity and such.
> My own containers.
> In the same way, I can define containers, like:
> <define container="headline">
>   <span class="headline"><contents /></span>
> </define>
> And when I type "<headline>Hello</headline>" '<contents />' is
> with "Hello", of course.
> Now, what I would like is to mix regular PHP syntax with my made up
> Is there a way for me to have <foo /> parsed into a php-script in the
> page?
> Maybe something like this, in pseudo-code:
> define_container("headline"){
>     print "<span class=\"headline\">$_[0]</span>";
> }
> And so on... Do you understand what I am getting at?
> Is there a parse-module for apache that I can have parse the HTML file
> this
> way and have it execute things it recognizes?
> Oh, and another question, in perl there is the "print qq{Hello
> function, where you can use '"' how much you like, I do really hate to
> metaquote everything I do in PHP, so is there a similar function, and
> preferably not the "print <<KEYWORD;" variant.
> Anyway, thanks in advance, or something :)
> --
> Sandman[.net]
> --
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