On Saturday, June 1, 2002 at 5:22:02 PM, you wrote:
>> Create a php script containing just <?php phpinfo(); ?>. That page will tell
>> you where your php.ini is (or should be).
> it told me it's in php/lib, but it's not there.

The default php.ini is called php.ini-recommended and will be in the directory
where you installed PHP. Copy it to php/lib and rename it to php.ini. When PHP
can't find php.ini it uses it's built-in defaults - these set register_globals
to off.

> When I input "Wei" for firstname and Wang for surname in the form and submit,
> I got error:

> Warning: pg_exec() query failed: ERROR: Attribute 'andras' not found in 
>/local/scratch-1/ww220/Apache1.3/htdocs/test/add2.php on line 6
> ERRORERROR: Attribute 'andras' not found

Show us what is on line 6 and a couple of lines either side of it.


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