Hi Folks:

I was going to propose something similar.  Allow me to tweak:

> <form ....>
> *<input type="text" name="my_array[foo]" value="">
> *<input type="text" name="my_array[bar]" value="">
> <input type="text" name="my_array[blankable]" value="">
> </form>
> on you script page
> <?
>   # $mand = array("foo", "bar");
      $mand = array('foo', 'bar');

>   # $cnt = count($mand);
>   # for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
>   #  if (!in_array($mand[$i], $my_array))
>   #    echo "Error: You missed a required field - ".$mand[$i]."<br>\n";

    $Prob = array();
    while ( list(,$Key) = each($mand) ) {
       if ( empty($_POST[$Key]) ) {
          $Prob[] = "$Key is a required field";

    if ( !empty($Prob) ) {
       echo "<ul>\n";
       while ( list(,$Val) = each($Prob) ) {
          echo " <li>$Val.</li>\n";
       echo "</ul>\n";
    } else {
       #  Go ahead.  Fields are filled in.

> ?>



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