I have a shopping cart where users have added a list of documents for 
purchase. I want to allow users to remove documents from the cart before 
checkout. There are no quantities involved-- this is a "yes I want 
$docID" or "no I don't" situation.

I thought the easiest way might be to have a checked checkbox before 
each item (. . . name=checkbox value=true checked) with instructions to 
uncheck the box and click on a "save changes" button to refresh the 
cart. I've spent many hours trying to get this scheme to work. Before I 
spend more time beating my head against the same 'ol wall, I thought I'd 
ask those more knowledgeable if a checkbox is the best method of 
achieving this. If so, this is the code I tried to use (the $save 
variable is passed as a hidden form field, $cart is an array and a  
registered session variable)

   if($checkbox != true)
       $cart[$docID] = $$docID;

(I should say this is the latest version. I've tried lots of way, but 
none have worked. I've tried "foreach" in lots of ways, but I may not 
understand this construct properly. For example I've tried:

   foreach ($cart as $docID => $checkbox)
   if($checkbox != true)
       $cart[$docID] = $$docID;

If you can suggest code that works, that would be great, or at least 
point me in the right direction if I'm on the wrong track with 
checkboxes. If you haven't noticed already, I'm very, very new to PHP 
and haven't quite got the hang of it yet. :=)

Thanks, Vicki

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