Hi Vicki:

On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 09:30:39PM -0400, Vicki wrote:
> I have a shopping cart where users have added a list of documents for 
> purchase. I want to allow users to remove documents from the cart before 
> checkout. There are no quantities involved-- this is a "yes I want 
> $docID" or "no I don't" situation.

The whole process starts with the form.  If that's not made correctly, you 
aren't going to get anywhere in your checkout.  From your code, I have a 
hunch that's where your first problem lies.

 <input type="checkbox" name="item[124]" checked />
 <input type="checkbox" name="item[268]" checked />

Now, the receiving script:

if ( !empty($_POST['save']) ) {
   if ( empty($_POST['item']) OR !is_array($_POST['item']) ) {
      echo "HEY!  You haven't selected any items!";
   } else {
      while ( list($ID,) = each($_POST['item']) ) {

This doesn't delete stuff from the cart.  It just creates a new $cart
array containing only the things the person wants.

Note, I'm using empty() a lot to avoid "Warnings" in the event the
variables aren't set at all.

Also using the $_POST[] superglobal array, assuming you're using a 
version of PHP >= 4.1.0.



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