On Tuesday, June 25, 2002, at 06:56  PM, Phillip S. Baker wrote:

> When the form is submitted I want to values passed to a pop-up window.
> I am aware of the need for Javascript for the pop-up window, but how do 
> I get the values from the form passed to the new window so I can use 
> them in further scripts.
> I can write the javascript to do the popup window and use the onSubmit 
> command, but I cannot figure out how to pass the values with a regular 
> submit button.
> Thanks

Pass them along the querystring, so that when the JavaScript popup 
window opens and it goes to a certain page, those values are part of 
that URL.  As GET variables.

// Your PHP vars:
$var1 = 'Metroid';
$var2 = 'Metal Gear';

// Create a querystring:
$PHPqueryString = "var1=" . $var1 . "&var2=" . $var2;

// echo the browser string for the popup:
print "<a href=\"\" onclick=\"openPopup("
                . $PHPqueryString
                . "\">Popup!</a>\n";

// here's your JavaScript function
function openPopup(queryString)
        var detailwindow = window.open('./target.php?' + queryString,
        detailwindow.moveTo('150', '150');

Now in your new script you can access these GET vars from PHP or from JS!



Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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