DE> I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but I'm just starting out
DE> My problem arises when I want to fill in the subsequent rows of the table
DE> with the subesquent rows from the database. How do I create the recordset
DE> that will pull the info from the relevant subsequent rows for my columns?

Depending on your SQL query, and assuming that you have checked for
more than one row before coding accordingly, then the answer is to
loop through your results using a combination of while and the
mysql_fetch_array function.   (or another mysql result function of
your choice).

That being said, without having seen your PHP code, we can't really
tell you what exactly to do. This is a problem when using editors that
"help" you to code.

The basic concepts for accessing MySQL and retrieving records are all
in the mysql area of the manual, or in tutorials abound.

(including here:

- Julie

--> Julie Meloni

Find "Sams Teach Yourself MySQL in 24 Hours" at

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