Ah, and of course I forgot window.close() in sendText() after sending it.


adi wrote:

>filled in
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bogdan Stancescu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "php-general" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:50 PM
>Subject: Re: [PHP] sample javascript popup+php - newbie
>>Submitted or filled in? i.e. do you want textbox1 to contain whatever is
>>in textbox2 or do you want the form in file2.php to be submitted to
>>file1.php? The difference is that in the first case no PHP gets to run
>>when button2 is pressed, whereas in the second case file1.php gets to
>>run with the data in the form in file2.php.
>>adi wrote:
>>>I want to make an app with properties:
>>>-i have a file1.php with a textbox1 and button1; when i press button1,
>file2.php is popup-ed.
>>>- in file2.php i have textbox2 and button2; when button2 is pressed,
>file2 is closed, and value of textbox2 is submited to texbox1.
>>>There is somewere an sample app like this?
>>>tx in adv for any help
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