Hello Chris

And thank you for your comments and suggestions.

I think that the solution you offer is a great idea. However, in my case, I 
may not be able to implement it as I, as the webmaster, do not always get 
the chance to add ‘$next_query_string’ to the a href. Some of the cross-site 
links are added to discussion forums by the users.

I will try making a wrapper function that makes the ‘special sauce’ links in 
the normal body of the pages. That will just leave the cross site links in 
the forum. May be I will be able to implement a special solution for the 

May I asked what ‘CDSM specification’ is… I am not familiar with the term.

Thanks again for your comments. They have been really helpful to me.


>From: Chris Shiflett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Chris Shiflett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [PHP] Cross-Site Sesison ID Propagation
>Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 17:31:02 -0500
>I made an error in my explanation (below). The reason you don't want to 
>include the query string separator character in your variable is to allow 
>flexibility with the types of URLs you can easily integrate this in with. 
>My example should have looked like this:
><a href="http://www.site3.com/?<? echo $next_query_string; ?>">Site 3</a>
>The same conditional logic can be used. This allows for URLs that already 
>have a query string to be addressed as follows:
><a href="http://www.site3.com/index.php?task=incoming&;<? echo 
>$next_query_string; ?>">Site 3</a>
>Happy hacking.
>Chris Shiflett wrote:
>>There is no built-in way to do what you are speaking about here (that I 
>>know of), but there is a pretty easy technique. However, even this 
>>requires a lot of work to integrate into your existing code, but it will 
>>ease all future additions and maintenance.
>>Keep a variable called something like $next_query_string (so you don't 
>>confuse it with the current one - you can just use $query or something if 
>>you prefer brevity), and keep up with any and all variables that you may 
>>need to include in all of your external links to other affiliated sites.
>>For example:
>>For all links where you're wanting to include the session ID in the URL, 
>>build them as follows:
>><a href="http://www.site3.com/<? echo $next_query_string; ?>">Site 3</a>
>>I'm sure this seems like just as much work, but once in place, your 
>>development will be much easier.
>>This will also allow you to add conditional logic to which sites receive 
>>the "special sauce" in their URL. :-)
>>if (in_array("www.site3.com", $hosts_allow))
>><a href="http://www.site3.com/<? echo $next_query_string; ?>">Site 3</a>
>><a href="http://www.site3.com/";>Site 3</a>
>>This will also allow you to make global changes to how you handle this 
>>cross-domain session management. I wrote an extensive CDSM specification 
>>for the USPS to use (if you ever notice, many of their "services" are not 
>>in the usps.com domain) that leverages the HTTP protocol to maintain 
>>*some* security. I would recommend that you also consider passing 
>>additional information on the URL that is, for example, some encrypted 
>>information about the client that would at least be somewhat challenging 
>>to spoof. This would make it more difficult for someone to impersonate 
>>your user, since more than just the session ID on the URL would be 
>>necessary. How secure you want to make this needs to be balanced with your 
>>performance requirements, of course, because checks do take time.
>>Just a suggestion.
>>Happy hacking.
>>Stefen Lars wrote:
>>>Hello all fellow-hackers
>>>I am working on a project that includes a number of web sites, which are 
>>>grouped together into one network. Kind of like the 'OSDN' network, of 
>>>which Slashdot.org, for example, is a member.

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