>I want to add a set of values to the session variable $BOOKS. This is the
>code which I used.
> if($BOOKS=="")
> {
>  #this seems to be the first book which the user has selected
>  $BOOKS = $bookid; #this param comes from the URL
> }
> else
> {
>  $BOOKS = $BOOKS+","+$bookid;
> }
>Here the 'if..' part gets executed, and because of that I cannot add details
>of another book. I have initialised the session and added the registered the
>value "BOOKS" in the previous page.

Did you call session_start() in this page?

Cuz if not, like, PHP doesn't know you want to use the session variables
from the other page.

Also, it's not + to concatenate strings in PHP.  It's .

$BOOKS = $BOOKS . "," . $bookid;

And, what's more, you can shorten $foo = $foo . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to:

$foo .= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

So, in your case, it's:

$BOOKS .= "," . $bookid;

And, since you can "bury" variable in strings and work, even go with:

$BOOKS .= ",$bookid";

You might, however, want to turn $BOOKS into an array anyway:

$BOOKS[] = $bookid;

But you'll need to read up on arrays to use them.

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