>the web server, how should the image be named [uniquely]? The problem is 
>that if the user specifes the name of the image file, there's a chance 
>he'll name another one the same way (and thus overwrite the original). I 
>was thinking of maybe a dual approach, where the user gives the image 
>file a name, but then the PHP script appends, say, the table name and 
>record ID--so as to make the filename unique.

What I do is this:

  # Get rid of gnarly characters in filenames:
  $filename = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]', '', $photo_name);
  # If their filename was so messed up that there's nothing left, give it a
random name.
  $filename = $filename ? $filename : chr(rand(ord('A'),ord('Z'))) .
chr(rand(ord('A'),ord('Z'))) . chr(rand(ord('A'),ord('Z'))) .
  # Now be sure it's unique:
  $appendix = '';
  # break the filename up into 'whatever' and '.jpg' (or '.gif' or whatever
it is)
  # In order to force uniqueness (below) I want to change 'duplicate.jpg'
into 'duplicate2.jpg', not 'duplicate.jpg2' :-)
  $extpos = strrpos($filename, '.');
  # echo "extpos is $extpos<BR>\n";
  if (!$extpos){
    $extension = '';
    $extension = substr($filename, $extpos);
    $filename = substr($filename, 0, $extpos);
  $pathname = "$directory/$filename$appendix$extension";
  # echo "extension $extension<BR>\n";
  # echo "filename $filename<BR>\n";
  # echo "appendix $appendix<BR>\n";
  # echo "pathname $pathname<BR>\n";
  while (@file_exists($pathname)){
    # It's kinda hacky to ++ the empty string, but it avoids tacking on '0'
    # to filenames that were fine as they were...
    $pathname = "$directory/$filename$appendix$extension";
    # echo "extension $extension<BR>\n";
    # echo "filename $filename<BR>\n";
    # echo "appendix $appendix<BR>\n";
    # echo "pathname $pathname<BR>\n";
  if (move_uploaded_file($photo, $pathname)){
    # Success!
    # Error message

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