> I have an array of elements which are separated with the operator
> $array = implode(",", $checkb);
> echo $array.'\n';
> $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM temp WHERE inv_tag IN
>($array)") or die('Error in query'.mysql_error());
>Error in query Unknown column 'PTX526_P_1' in 'where clause'.

Do this:

$query = "DELETE FROM temp WHERE inv_tag IN ($array)";
echo $query."<BR>\n";
$result = mysql_query($query) ...

What's happening is that you are telling MySQL this:

delete from temp where inv_tag in (PTX526_P_1,SIM_1)

Since there are no apostrophes on PTX526_P_1, MySQL figures they must be
COLUMN names.

You need it to look like this:

delete from temp where inv_tag in (PTX526_P_1,SIM_1)

which means you need:

$array = implode("','", $checkb);

and then:

$query = "DELETE FROM temp WHERE inv_tag IN ('$array')";

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