Hi all. I’m trying to handle a picture upload. So far, I’ve made my
script store it where I want with the name I want. The only problem now,
is that it should store that given name into a MySQL DB table… I tried
it by calling a function which stores the picture and returns a variable
called $picname then use an UPDATE statement but that variable isn’t
passed… any ideas? The code looks like this:

function pic_upload($userid)
        if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['devpicture']['tmp_name']))
                $filename = $_FILES['devpicture']['tmp_name'];
                $realname = $_FILES['devpicture']['name'];
                $username = $userid.".jpg";
                echo "Possible file upload attack: filename

and then the updating

$query = "UPDATE os_developers SET devpicture = '$username' WHERE devid
= $id";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

Thanks in advance,

Cesar Aracena
Neuquen, Argentina

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