Your default error reporting level must be set different on your Windows
box.  If you turn off E_NOTICE warnings on your Windows box it will act
the same as your Linux box.

But, in general, to write E_ALL clean code you would check if each exists
first, or swallow the errors if you know that these indices may not be
present using something like this:

if (@$raw_data[$num_count] != @$match_array[$x]) {


On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Scott Fletcher wrote:

> I have one of the website on windows and I get the undefined offset error, I
> don't have that problem on UNIX / Linux.  Anyone know what method would
> work??  Here's the script!  In this case, the $raw_data array is empty, so
> window complain of the empty data by displaying hte error message,
> "Undefined offset ........".
> --clip--
> if ($raw_data[$num_count] != $match_array[$x]) {
> --clip--
> Thanks!
>  FletchSOD
> --
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