I get:

checking whether to enable xslt support... yes
checking for XSLT Sablotron backend... yes
checking libexpat dir for Sablotron XSL support... no
checking enable JavaScript for Sablotron... yes
checking for Sablotron libraries in the default path... found Sablotron in
checking for iconv... no
checking for libiconv... no
checking for libiconv in -liconv... no
checking for iconv in -liconv... no
configure: error: iconv not found, in order to build sablotron you need the
iconv library
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [deb] Error 2

when I try to build php-4.2.2

CONFIG_OPTS =   --with-mysql \
                --with-config-file-path=/etc \
                --disable-rpath \
                --enable-inline-optimization \
                --with-mm \
                --enable-sysvsem \
                --enable-sysvshm \
                --enable-shmop \
                --with-bz2 \
                --with-curl \
                --with-dom \
                --with-zlib \
                --with-xml \
                --with-gd \
                --with-regex=system \
                --enable-magic-quotes \
                --enable-safe-mode \
                --enable-track-vars \
                --enable-wddx \
                --with-imap     \
                --with-kerberos \
                --with-imap-ssl \
                --enable-trans-sid \
                --enable-ftp  \
                --with-dom              \
                --with-dom-xslt          \
                --with-sablot-js        \
                --with-xslt-sablot      \
                --enable-xslt           \
                --with-dom-exslt        \
                --with-openssl          \
                --enable-bcmath         \
                --with-pear=/var/devel  \
                --enable-sockets \

Best Regards

Niklas Fondberg  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Developer  -  I3 Micro Technology

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