I'm not a JSP programmer so don't quote me but...
A) The syntax isn't really that similar to Java.  In Java, EVERYTHING is an object.  
You could write PHP like that if you wanted to but most people don't, especially those 
who are working with MySQL, for example.  PHP is really a cross between C and Perl, 
B) Yeah, you'd find JSP's to be faster.  You misunderstand what they are.  JSP stands 
for "java server pages" and they are processed server-side like PHP.  No Java is 
interpreted by the browser.  PHP is better suited for smaller applications and/or 
inexperienced programmers - not to say that it isn't powerful, but how many huge 
dot-coms wrote their sites in PHP?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kondwani Spike Mkandawire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 1:00 PM
Subject: [PHP] JSP vs. PHP?

I'm still into PHP like crazy...  But I have been told JSP
is more powerful how true is this?
>From what I've read so far (tutorials and all), the syntax is
100% similar to Java i.e. it is basically Java with additional
library functions...

Now here's the story:  I am yet to use PHP with a Graphics
library (The GD extensions I believe they are), so I don't
know about their performace...  However the last time
I wrote a decently large Java Applet, the browser took
annoyingly long to load the applet...  If the same principle
applies of having a JVM or a Java Interpreter embedded
in the browser then I see no advantage to JSP apart from
the point of protability...  (Unless the graphic libraries that
support PHP are any slower)...   Could someone please


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