Does anyone know of any tools for php that will let
you include only 
certain functions from a file.
For example if I only wanted a function named "login"
from a file named 
"func_common.php", I could maybe do something like
my_require('path/to/func_common.php', 'login');

I was thinking of writing a script that would offer an
api to let you include 
only certain parts of a file, or maybe you'd could use
"*" in conjunction with 
a directory name to include all the files in a
What I have in mind is building a new static version
of the "main" script with the 
"included" code being a part of the main script.  
I guess if you're scripts are being cached then the
disk reads that 
including files requires isn't that big of a deal. But
it could probably 
make a big difference on sites where people aren't
caching their php scripts.

Let me know if anything like this exists.


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