Just about any mailing list system that supports subscriber passwords
should do.  I can't imagine a way they would store these passwords that
PHP wouldn't be able to grok with a little 10-minute hack job.


On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> >
> > So, depending on your sendmail configuration, and how you are invoking
> > sendmail (see your php.ini file) it will be non-blocking if you tell
> > sendmail to simply queue it.
> Ok. I'll look into what settings are important in php.ini
> > For high-volume mail delivery, you should be using a dedicated mailing
> > list system.  Have PHP send a single message to the list and let the list
> > system do the mass-delivery for you.  Right tool for the job and all...
> Totally agree. But just what is "high-volume" is my question ... I guess
> I need to do some testing to find this out perhaps ...
> Would you have any recommendations on a simple mailing list system that
> integrates well with PHP? I'm building a password protected site and
> want to email users their passwords and also allow people to have their
> passwords mailed to them.
> There would be about 10,000 users so I figure the demand for passwords
> would be at most one per second during peak time.
> Jc
> --
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